GEOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH 鈥衡�� 2009, Vol. 28 鈥衡�� Issue (1): 65-73.DOI: 10.11821/yj2009010009

鈥� Hydrology and Water Resources 鈥� Previous Articles     Next Articles

SWAT application in arid and semi-arid region: A case study in the Kuye River Basin

CHENG Lei, XU Zong-xue, LUO Rui, MI Yan-jiao   

  1. Key Laboratory of Water and Sediment Sciences, Ministry of Education, College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • Received:2008-02-28 Revised:2008-07-27 Online:2010-11-20
  • Supported by:

    鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾 (50579003)鍜�"鍗佷竴浜�"鍥藉绉戞妧鏀拺璁″垝璧勫姪椤圭洰 (2006BAB06B01-09-01)銆�


绋� 纾�, 寰愬畻瀛�, 缃� 鐫�, 绫宠壋濞�   

  1. 鍖椾含甯堣寖澶у 姘寸瀛︾爺绌堕櫌 姘存矙绉戝鏁欒偛閮ㄩ噸鐐瑰疄楠屽,鍖椾含 100875
  • 浣滆�呯畝浠�:绋� 纾�(1982-),婀栧寳涓规睙鍙e競浜�,鍦ㄨ鍗氬+鐢熴�備富瑕佺爺绌舵柟鍚戞祦鍩熸按娌欒繃绋嬪垎甯冨紡妯℃嫙銆� *閫氳浣滆�� : 寰愬畻瀛�(1962-),灞变笢娣勫崥浜�,鏁欐巿,鍗氬+鐢熷甯堛�備富瑕佷粠浜嬫按鏂囦笌姘磋祫婧愮浉鍏崇爺绌躲��
  • 鍩洪噾璧勫姪:

    鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾 (50579003)鍜�"鍗佷竴浜�"鍥藉绉戞妧鏀拺璁″垝璧勫姪椤圭洰 (2006BAB06B01-09-01)銆�


The SWAT is a physically-based distributed hydrological model. Its runoff generation mechanism is more practical. The methods adopted in the process of runoff including surface runoff, interflow and groundwater flow are applicable to various conditions of climate and underlying surface. In this study, the SWAT (Version 2005) is applied to the Kuye River basin, one of typical watersheds with plentiful and coarse sand in the middle reaches of the Yellow River with arid and semi-arid climate. When the model in the Kuye River basin was developed, automatic calibration method within the SWAT Version 2005 was used to calibrate the model. According to the stream flow hydrograph at Wenjiachuan station, the mouth of the river, the parameters were further adjusted. Then, daily and monthly discharges from 1980 to 1985 have been simulated in the study area, and observed data series of three hydrological stations (Wenjiachuan, Xinmiao and Wangdaohengta) are used to evaluate the simulated discharge series of SWAT. The effects of physical mechanism for streamflow generation processes have been analyzed and discussed. The result shows that the relative error of water budget is about 10%-20%, while the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (Ens) is relatively low, with Ens of daily series being about 0.2 and monthly Ens around 0.6. Preliminary analysis of simulation results showed that the SWAT is not effective to simulate the discharge of interflow, baseflow and spring flood in the Kuye River basin. In addition, it is proposed that the SWAT runoff generation mechanism in arid and semi-arid regions need to be further investigated.

Key words: SWAT, runoff generation, Kuye River, arid and semi-arid region


SWAT鏄竴涓熀浜庣墿鐞嗘満鍒剁殑鍒嗗竷寮忔祦鍩熸按鏂囨ā鍨�,鍏朵骇娴佹満鍒朵腑瀵逛簬鍦拌〃寰勬祦銆佸¥涓祦銆佹祬灞傚湴涓嬪緞娴佸拰娣卞眰鍦颁笅寰勬祦鐨勬ā鎷熸柟娉曟瘮杈冨疄鐢�,鑳藉閫傜敤浜庝笉鍚屾皵鍊欐潯浠跺拰涓嬪灚闈㈡潯浠朵笅鐨勪骇姹囨祦鎯呭喌銆傛湰鏂囧皢SWAT搴旂敤鍒伴粍娌充腑娓稿共鏃卞崐骞叉棻鍖哄娌欑矖娌欏吀鍨嬫祦鍩熶箣涓�绐熼噹娌虫祦鍩�,妯℃嫙浜�1980~1985骞寸殑鏃ユ祦閲忓拰鏈堝钩鍧囨祦閲忚繃绋�,鍒嗘瀽骞舵帰璁ㄤ簡SWAT浜ф祦鏈哄埗瀵规按婧愬垝鍒嗗拰寰勬祦褰㈡垚杩囩▼鐨勫奖鍝嶃�傜粨鏋滆〃鏄�,姘撮噺骞宠 鐩稿璇樊鍦�10%~20%宸﹀彸,浣哊ash-Sutticliffe鏁堢巼绯绘暟閮借緝浣庛�傛湰鏂囧妯℃嫙缁撴灉杩涜浜嗗垵姝ュ垎鏋�,璁や负SWAT浜ф祦鏈哄埗涓嶈兘鏈夋晥妯℃嫙骞叉棻鍗婂共鏃卞湴鍖虹殑绐熼噹娌虫祦鍩熺殑澹や腑娴併�佸熀娴佸拰鏄ユ睕娴侀噺杩囩▼,骞舵帰璁ㄤ簡SWAT鍦ㄥ共鏃卞崐骞叉棻鍦板尯浜ф祦妯℃嫙鍙兘瀛樺湪鐨勯棶棰樺拰鍊煎緱娣卞叆鐮旂┒鐨勬柟鍚戙��

鍏抽敭璇�: SWAT, 浜ф祦鏈哄埗, 绐熼噹娌虫祦鍩�, 骞叉棻鍗婂共鏃卞尯