鍦扮悊鐮旂┒ 鈥衡�� 2012, Vol. 31 鈥衡�� Issue (1): 107-122.DOI: 10.11821/yj2012010011

鈥� 缁忔祹涓庡尯鍩熷彂灞� 鈥� 涓婁竴绡�    涓嬩竴绡�


瀛熷痉鍙�, 闄嗙帀楹�   

  1. 鍗椾含甯堣寖澶у鍦扮悊绉戝瀛﹂櫌, 鍗椾含 210046
  • 鏀剁鏃ユ湡:2011-05-21 淇洖鏃ユ湡:2011-09-20 鍑虹増鏃ユ湡:2012-01-20 鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡:2012-01-20
  • 閫氳浣滆��: 闄嗙帀楹�(1963-),鐢�,寮犲娓汉,鍗氬+,鏁欐巿,鍗氬+鐢熷甯�,涓昏浠庝簨绌洪棿缁撴瀯涓庡尯鍩熷彂灞曠爺绌躲�� E-mail:luyuqi@263.net
  • 浣滆�呯畝浠�:瀛熷痉鍙�(1982-),鐢�,娌冲崡鍛ㄥ彛浜�,鍗氬+,涓昏浠庝簨鍩庡競涓庡尯鍩熻鍒掋�佺┖闂寸粨鏋勪笌鍖哄煙鍙戝睍鏂归潰鐨勭爺绌躲�侲-mail:mengdeyou01@163.com
  • 鍩洪噾璧勫姪:


Analysis of inter-provincial accessibility and economic linkage spatial pattern based on the railway network

MENG De-you, LU Yu-qi   

  1. College of Geographical Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China
  • Received:2011-05-21 Revised:2011-09-20 Online:2012-01-20 Published:2012-01-20

鎽樿锛� 鍩轰簬閾佽矾瀹㈣繍浜ら�氱綉缁滄妸鍚勭渷浼氬煄甯傛娊璞′负閾佽矾缃戠粶涓殑鑺傜偣,浠�2003鍜�2008骞寸渷浼氬煄甯傞棿閾佽矾瀹㈣繍缃戠粶鐨勬渶鐭梾琛屾椂闂翠负搴﹂噺鎸囨爣,瀵规垜鍥介搧璺杩愮綉缁滅殑绌洪棿鍙揪鎬у強绌洪棿鏍煎眬杩涜鍒嗘瀽,娴嬬畻鍚勭渷鍖洪棿鐨勭渷闄呯粡娴庤仈绯诲己搴�,杩涜�屾帰璁ㄧ渷闄呴棿缁忔祹鑱旂郴鐨勭┖闂存寚鍚戙�傜爺绌惰〃鏄�:(1)缁忚繃绗簲銆佸叚娆¢搧璺杩愭彁閫�,鐪侀檯鍙揪鎬ц幏寰椾簡鏄捐憲鎻愬崌,灏ゅ叾瑗块儴鍦板尯鎻愬崌骞呭害鏇村ぇ,鐪侀檯鍙揪鎬ц〃鐜板嚭鑷笢閮ㄦ部娴峰悜瑗垮寳鍐呴檰閫愭笎闄嶄綆鐨勫湀灞傚紡绌洪棿鏍煎眬,楂樹簬鍏ㄥ浗骞冲潎姘村钩鐨勫湴鍖鸿寖鍥村湪鎵╁睍,骞茬嚎鎸囧悜鎬ц秺鏉ヨ秺寮�;(2)鍚勭渷鍖哄澶栫粡娴庤仈绯绘�婚噺鍦板煙宸紓绐佸嚭,涓滈儴鍦板甫鐪佸尯鐨勭粡娴庤仈绯绘�婚噺杩滈珮浜庝腑瑗块儴鍦板甫鐪佸尯;(3)鍦板尯闂寸粡娴庤仈绯讳緷鎵樹含娌�佷含骞夸互鍙婁含鍝堢瓑涓昏閾佽矾骞茬嚎褰㈡垚浜嗙渷闄呰仈绯荤殑涓诲杞寸嚎,骞朵笖闅忕潃鍦板尯缁忔祹鐨勫彂灞曞拰閾佽矾缃戠粶鐨勫ぇ骞呭害鎻愰��,鍦板尯缁忔祹鑱旂郴鐨勭┖闂寸綉缁滄牸灞�閫愭褰㈡垚銆�

鍏抽敭璇�: 閾佽矾瀹㈣繍鎻愰��, 閾佽矾浜ら�氱綉缁�, 鍙揪鎬�, 寮曞姏妯″瀷, 缁忔祹鑱旂郴

Abstract: Based on the railway passenger transportation network,employing the index of shortest time distance matrix between every two provincial capital cities which are Abstracted nodes in the railway network in 2003 and 2008,the paper analyses the level and spatial pattern of accessibility throughout the country.And then,the distance parameter in the gravity model is modified by the shortest travel time indicator,the strength of interprovincial economic linkage are measured and the spatial orientation are examined on the assumption that the provincial capital cities are the economic barycentre of the whole province.Results are shown as follows.(1) The inter-provincial accessibility level has gained a significant upgrade,especially accessibility promotion in the western provinces is higher than that of the others through the 5th and 6th train-speed network upgradings.But,the disparity of inter-provincial accessibility level is still remarkable throughout the country.The circle-type spatial pattern of the accessibility level that reduces gradually from the eastern coastal provinces to the northwestern provinces has emerged,the scope of the accessibility central zone is expanding,and the primary railway lines are becoming stronger and stronger.(2) The disparity of quantity of economic linkage is remarkable,the quantity of economic linkage in east coastal provinces is much higher than that of the central and western provinces.(3) The predominant axes of inter-provincial economic linkage have formed along the main railway lines from Beijing to Shanghai and from Beijing to Guangzhou.The spatial network pattern of regional economic linkage is forming along with the train-speed upgrading and the promotion of regional economy.The research of inter-provincial accessibility and economic linkage can not only give suggestions to regional economic restructuring,and to the primary spatial orientation of regional economic development,but also provide reference for coordinating inter-provincial economic linkage and cooperation in the process of regional economic integration.

Key words: railway passenger train-speed upgrading, railway network, accessibility, gravity model, regional economic linkage