鍦扮悊鐮旂┒ 鈥衡�� 2011, Vol. 30 鈥衡�� Issue (1): 1-9.DOI: 10.11821/yj2011010001

鈥� 鍚嶅璁哄潧 鈥�    涓嬩竴绡�


闄堢櫨鏄�1, 寮犲嚖鑽�2   

  1. 1. 涓浗绉戝闄㈠湴鐞嗙瀛︿笌璧勬簮鐮旂┒鎵�,鍖椾含100101;
    2. 涓浗鍐滀笟澶у璧勬簮鐜瀛﹂櫌,鍖椾含100094
  • 鏀剁鏃ユ湡:2010-07-20 淇洖鏃ユ湡:2010-10-19 鍑虹増鏃ユ湡:2011-01-20 鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡:2011-01-20
  • 浣滆�呯畝浠�:闄堢櫨鏄�(1951-),鐢�,娴欐睙涓婅櫈浜�,鐮旂┒鍛�,鍗氬+鐢熷甯�,涓昏浠庝簨鍦熷湴璧勬簮绫诲瀷銆佽瘎浠枫�佸埄鐢ㄣ�佽鍒掑強鍦熷湴鐢熶骇娼滃姏鐮旂┒銆侲-mail:chenbm@igsnrr.ac.cn; 寮犲嚖鑽�(1957-),鐢�,娌冲寳娌у窞浜�,鏁欐巿,鍗氬+鐢熷甯�,涓昏浠庝簨鍦熷湴璇勪环,鍦熷湴鍒╃敤瑙勫垝銆佹寔缁湡鍦板埄鐢ㄧ鐞嗐�佸湡澹ゅ湴鐞嗗鐮旂┒銆侲-mail: zhangfr@cau.edu.cn
  • 鍩洪噾璧勫姪:


Trend and priority areas in land use research of China

CHEN Bai-ming1, ZHANG Feng-rong2   

  1. 1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
    2. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China
  • Received:2010-07-20 Revised:2010-10-19 Online:2011-01-20 Published:2011-01-20

鎽樿锛� 杩涘叆21涓栫邯浠ユ潵,鍦熷湴鍒╃敤鐮旂┒鍦ㄤ笌鍦熷湴绠$悊瀹炶返鐨勫瘑鍒囩粨鍚堜腑鎵╁睍浜嗗鏈奖鍝�,鎻愰珮浜嗗绉戝湴浣嶃�傚湪鍦熷湴鍒╃敤鐨勮皟鏌ヤ笌鐩戞祴銆佺患鍚堝睘鎬ц瘎浠枫�佽鍒掍笌璁捐銆佸彉鍖栦笌鏈哄埗銆佸伐绋嬩笌鎶�鏈瓑鏂归潰鍙栧緱闀胯冻鐨勮繘灞曘�傚熀浜庡彂灞曟�佸娍鐨勫垎鏋�,鏈枃鎻愬嚭搴斿姞寮哄湡鍦板埄鐢ㄧ殑鍩虹鐞嗚鐮旂┒銆侀噸瑙嗗湡鍦板埄鐢ㄧ殑鏂规硶浣撶郴鐮旂┒銆佹嫇灞曞湡鍦板埄鐢ㄧ殑鐮旂┒瑙嗚鍜屾繁鍖栫爺绌跺唴娑点�佸己鍖栧湡鍦板埄鐢ㄧ殑鏁版嵁绉疮鍜屾暣鍚堣兘鍔涚瓑;鏍规嵁鍥藉鍦ㄥ弬涓庣粡娴庡畯瑙傝皟鎺с�佸缓璁�"涓ゅ瀷绀句細"銆佷繚闅滈鐗╁畨鍏ㄧ瓑涓夋柟闈㈠鍦熷湴鍒╃敤鐮旂┒鎻愬嚭闇�姹傜殑鍩虹涓�,闃愯堪浜嗗湡鍦板埄鐢ㄧ爺绌剁殑4涓噸鐐归鍩熴��

鍏抽敭璇�: 鍦熷湴鍒╃敤, 鐮旂┒杩涘睍, 鍙戝睍鎬佸娍, 閲嶇偣棰嗗煙

Abstract: Land use research has enhanced the academic status and the academic impact with the close combination of land management practices since the beginning of the 21st century. It has made great progress in the investigation and monitoring, comprehensive property evaluation, planning and design, change and mechanisms, engineering and technology of land use. In the analysis of development trend, the paper proposes some suggestions, namely, strengthening the basic theory, paying attention to the methods system, widening perspectives and deepening the connotation, and strengthening aggregation and integration capabilities in land use research. In accordance with national demands for land use of participation in the economic macro-control, construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly society, as well as guarantee of food safety, the paper describes four priority areas on land use study. The study of land use change and mechanisms should focus on natural, economic and social factors on the coupling, as well as economic, social, technological development on the transformation of land use. The analysis of environmental impact and effects on land use should put emphasis on the interaction between economic and social development impact and the effects from land-use quantity, quality and ecological factors. The investigation and monitoring of land use should be aided with digital survey and monitoring technology and methodology. The development and decision-making of land use information should be combined with the macro-economic decision model.

Key words: land use, research advances, development trend, priority areas