鍦扮悊鐮旂┒ 鈥衡�� 2006, Vol. 25 鈥衡�� Issue (2): 204-212.DOI: 10.11821/yj2006020003

鈥� 璁烘枃 鈥� 涓婁竴绡�    涓嬩竴绡�


濮滀笘鍥�1,2, 鍛ㄤ竴鏄�1   

  1. 1. 鍖椾含澶у鍦扮悊绉戝鐮旂┒涓績,鍖椾含100871;
    2. 鍖椾含娓呭崕鍩庡競瑙勫垝璁捐鐮旂┒闄�,鍖椾含100084
  • 鏀剁鏃ユ湡:2005-05-10 淇洖鏃ユ湡:2005-11-17 鍑虹増鏃ユ湡:2006-04-15 鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡:2006-04-15
  • 浣滆�呯畝浠�:濮滀笘鍥�(1978-),鐢�,鍥涘窛娓犲幙浜�,纭曞+,宸ョ▼甯堛�備富瑕佷粠浜嬪煄甯傚尯鍩熻鍒掋�佸湴鐞嗗垎褰㈠拰鍦扮悊绯荤粺鐨� 绌洪棿澶嶆潅鎬х爺绌躲�侲-mail:sgjiang78@163.com
  • 鍩洪噾璧勫姪:


The fractal urban form of Beijing and its practical significance

JIANG Shi-guo1,2, ZHOU Yi-xing1   

  1. 1. Geographic Science Research Center,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China;
    2. Urban Planning &|Design Institute,Tsinghua Universty,Beijing 100084,China
  • Received:2005-05-10 Revised:2005-11-17 Online:2006-04-15 Published:2006-04-15


鍩轰簬1984銆�1999骞碙andsat TM閬ユ劅鍥惧儚,鏍规嵁鍒嗗舰鐞嗚,鐢ㄥ崐寰勬硶鐮旂┒浜嗗寳浜煄甯傚舰鎬�,鍙戠幇鍖椾含鍩庡競鍏锋湁鍒嗗舰鎬ц川銆傚寳浜競寤鸿鐢ㄥ湴浠庝腑蹇冨悜澶栨墿鏁g殑闆嗚仛鍒嗗舰缁撴瀯瀛樺湪鏄庢樉鐨勬爣搴﹀尯杞姌鐜拌薄,鍏朵腑绗竴鏍囧害鍖烘槸鑳藉鎻ず鍖椾含鍩庡競褰㈡�佹紨鍖栫壒鐐圭殑鏈夋晥鏍囧害鍖恒��1984銆�1999骞村崐寰勭淮鏁扮殑鏁板�煎彉鍖栧弽鏄犱簡寤鸿鐢ㄥ湴瀵嗗害闆嗚仛鎵╂暎鐨勪笉鍚岀壒鐐广�傛湰鏂囨牴鎹泦鑱氬垎褰㈢殑鏍囧害鍖哄缓绔嬩簡涓�绉嶆柊鐨勫煄甯傝寖鍥村畾涔�,杩欑瀹氫箟鍙互鍑忓皯閫氬父瀹氫箟涓殑涓昏鍥犵礌鍜屼笉鍙瘮鍥犵礌,鏍囧害鍖哄ぇ灏忓叿鏈変竴瀹氱殑鐞嗚鎰忎箟銆�

鍏抽敭璇�: 鍩庡競褰㈡��, 閬ユ劅鍥惧儚, 鍒嗗舰, 鍒嗙淮, 鍗婂緞娉�, 鍖椾含


This paper presents a study on the fractal urban form of Beijing.We use the city built-up area to define the urban form.It includes all the built-up area of houses,squares and roads,but the roads connecting central cities are not included,nor the water and vegetation.The data is obtained from the Landsat TM images of Beijing.Two TM scenes from 1984 and 1999 are used to cover the city and its adjacent areas.Based on the unsupervised classification using the IMAGINE ERDAS 8.6,the authors conducted an aborative correction on the map so that the classification is accurate enough. ESRI ARC GIS 9.0 is used to get the area data.The authors use the area-radius relationship method in this paper.In this view,the fractal dimension is a way to clarify the convergence and decentralization of urbanized area. The authors found that the city of Beijing bears clear fractal characteristics.The computation shows that there exist double scaling range.The first scaling range is good to reveal the fractal evolution of Beijing.The scaling range is 8km in 1984 while it is 14km in 1999.The extension of the scaling range shows that the fractal characteristic in 1999 is better than that in 1984.The dimension values also indicate the building density of Beijing.In 1984,the density remains almost unchanged in a region of 10 km distance from the center(Tian'an Men).In 1999,the building density increases from the center to a region with a radius of 16.5 km.Both of the building densities decrease outside the corresponding ranges of 1984 and 1999.The fractal model from the area-radius relationship method in this paper has important theoretical significance,which needs further studies. The fractal computation in this paper has important practical significance. The scaling range of a city is a special variable that carries individual characteristics.It is also a comparable variable among cities.Based on this,the authors identified a new city definition using the scaling range.The new definition can avoid the subjective and incomparable factors of the ordinary definition method.The scaling range also has important theoretical significance.

Key words: urban form, remote sensing image, fractal, fractal dimension, area-radius relationship method, Beijing