鍦扮悊鐮旂┒ 鈥衡�� 2004, Vol. 23 鈥衡�� Issue (2): 243-248.DOI: 10.11821/yj2004020012

鈥� 璁烘枃 鈥� 涓婁竴绡�    涓嬩竴绡�


璋堟槑娲�, 鑼冨瓨浼�   

  1. 涓浗绉戝闄㈠湴鐞嗙瀛︿笌璧勬簮鐮旂┒鎵�,鍖椾含100101
  • 鏀剁鏃ユ湡:2003-03-06 淇洖鏃ユ湡:2003-10-22 鍑虹増鏃ユ湡:2004-04-15 鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡:2004-04-15
  • 浣滆�呯畝浠�:璋堟槑娲�(1970-),鐢�,鍗氬+鐢�,姹熻嫃娑熸按浜恒�備富瑕佷粠浜嬪湡鍦板埄鐢�/瑕嗚鍙樺寲鐮旂┒銆侲-mail:tanmh@igsnrr.ac.cn
  • 鍩洪噾璧勫姪:


Relationship between Zipf dimension and fractal dimension of city-size distribution

TAN Ming-hong, FAN Cun-hui   

  1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS, Beijing,100101, China
  • Received:2003-03-06 Revised:2003-10-22 Online:2004-04-15 Published:2004-04-15


鍩庡競浣嶅簭 瑙勬ā鐞嗚鍜屽垎褰㈢悊璁烘槸鐮旂┒鍩庡競绯荤粺鐨勯噸瑕佸熀纭�銆傚墠鑰呭彲浠ヨ緝濂藉湴鍒荤敾鍩庡競鐨勮妯″垎甯� ,鍚庤�呭彲鐢ㄦ潵娣卞叆鍦拌В閲婂煄甯傝妯$殑鍒嗗竷瑙勫緥銆傚叾涓� ,鍩庡競瑙勬ā鍒嗗竷鐨勫垎缁村�煎拰Zipf缁存暟鏄繖涓や釜鍩虹鐞嗚涓殑閲嶈鍙傛暟銆傚湪鐮旂┒鎴戝浗鍩庡競瑙勬ā鐨勫垎甯冭寰嬫椂 ,鐞嗚涓婂彲璁や负鍒嗙淮鍊煎拰Zipf缁存暟鐨勪箻绉瓑浜� 1銆備絾鏈枃璁や负杩欑鐞嗚涓婄殑鍏崇郴骞朵笉鑳界洿鎺ュ鐢ㄥ埌缁熻鍒嗘瀽涓幓 ,濡傛灉鍩庡競瑙勬ā鍒嗗竷鐨勫垎缁村�煎拰Zipf缁存暟鏄埄鐢ㄥ浜庢牱鏈殑OLS (鏈�灏忎簩涔樻硶 )浼拌鎵�寰� ,涓よ�呯殑涔樼Н搴旂瓑浜庡垽瀹氱郴鏁� (R2 )銆傛渶鍚庢垜浠姝ょ粨鏋滆繘琛屼簡鎺ㄥ鍜岃瘉鏄� ,骞跺鍏舵墍鍏锋湁鐨勭悊璁烘剰涔夊拰瀹炶返浠峰�艰繘琛屼簡绠�瑕侀槓杩般��

鍏抽敭璇�: 鍩庡競瑙勬ā鍒嗗竷, Zipf缁存暟, 鍒嗙淮city-size distribution, Zipf dimension, fractal dimension


China has a long history of urban development and has numerous cities.Macroscopically the congnition of development law of China’s urban system provides an ideal source for enrichment of urban system theoretical research.Furthermore,China,as a developing country on the fast track,is experiencing rapid urban growth.A better understanding of China’s urban system development will be helpful for predicting the city scale(such as,urban land scale,urban population scale)and macro-planning of China’s urban growth. The urban rank-size and the fractal theories are the important bases for studying the urban system.The former can perfectly depict the distribution of urban size,and the latter can be employed to explain the characteristics of distribution of urban size.At the same time,the fractal dimension and the Zipf dimension are the basic parameters of the two theories.But when studying the urban rank-size rule and the fractal,some scholars theoretically believe there is the relationship between Zipf dimension and the fractal dimension of distribution of urban size,that is,their product equals 1.But,we think,if D and q are the results of OLS(Ordinary Least Square)estimation,then their product should be R2(R2,the coefficient of determination).Then,this paper deduces and proves this result. To study the relationship between Zipf dimension and the fractal dimension of distribution of urban size is helpful to understanding the rule of urban rank-size.Moreover,this study is also necessary for grasping urban development in the future characteristics of urban system evolution in the past and predicting in the urban development future because China is experiencing rapid urbanization process.

Key words: city-size distribution, Zipf dimension, fractal dimension