鍦扮悊绉戝杩涘睍 鈥衡�� 2009, Vol. 28 鈥衡�� Issue (1): 1-8.DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.01.001

鈥� 鍦扮悊缁熻涓庢ā鍨� 鈥�    涓嬩竴绡�



  1. 涓浗绉戝闄㈢鎶�鏀跨瓥涓庣鐞嗙瀛︾爺绌舵墍,鍖椾含100080
  • 鏀剁鏃ユ湡:2008-08-01 淇洖鏃ユ湡:2008-10-01 鍑虹増鏃ユ湡:2009-01-24 鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡:2009-01-24
  • 浣滆�呯畝浠�:璧典綔鏉�(1962- ),鐢�,鍗氬+,鐮旂┒鍛�.鐮旂┒棰嗗煙涓虹┖闂寸粺璁°�佺┖闂寸粡娴庡拰鑱氶泦鍒涙柊.E-mail: zhao1@casipm.ac.cn
  • 鍩洪噾璧勫姪:

    鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾椤圭洰(70673099); 涓浗绉戝闄㈢鎶�鏀跨瓥涓庣鐞嗙瀛︾爺绌舵墍鎵�闀垮熀閲戦」鐩�(0700841J01); 鍥藉绉戞妧 鍩虹鎬у伐浣滀笓椤硅棰�(2007FY140800-4).

Global Statistics of Spatial Distribution: A Literature Review

ZHAO Zuoquan   

  1. Institute of Policy and Management, CAS, Beijing 100080, China
  • Received:2008-08-01 Revised:2008-10-01 Online:2009-01-24 Published:2009-01-24


鍒╃敤缁熻瀛︽柟娉曠爺绌剁ぞ浼氱粡娴庝笌鑷劧绛夎绱犵殑鍦扮悊绌洪棿鍒嗗竷鍦ㄦ渶杩戝嚑鍗佸勾鏉ュ凡寮曡捣璁稿瀛﹁�呯殑鍏虫敞銆傚湴 鐞嗙┖闂村垎甯冪殑鏁翠綋鎬у氨鍍忓畠鐨勫眬閮ㄦ�т竴鏍凤紝鏄┖闂寸粺璁″垎鏋愮殑涓昏瀵硅薄銆傛湰鏂囩洰鐨勬槸缁艰堪鍚勭鍦扮悊绌洪棿鍒嗗竷鏁翠綋 鎬х壒寰佺殑缁熻鐮旂┒杩涘睍銆傚湪杩欓噷锛屽湴鐞嗙┖闂村垎甯冪殑鏁翠綋鎬х壒寰佹槸鎸囧畠鍦ㄤ簩缁寸┖闂翠笂鐨勪腑蹇冨拰鏂逛綅浠ュ強瀹冭嚜韬殑鍦� 鐞嗚寖鍥淬�佺┖闂村瘑闆嗗害鍜屽舰鐘躲�傛枃涓粙缁嶄簡瀵硅繖浜涙暣浣撴�х壒寰佽繘琛岀粺璁℃弿杩般�侀娴嬪拰浼拌鐨勬柟娉曘�傚凡鏈夎繎20 涓┖闂寸粺 璁℃寚鏍囩敤浜庢弿杩扮ぞ浼氱粡娴庡拰鑷劧鍦扮悊绌洪棿鍒嗗竷鐨勫悇绉嶆暣浣撴�х壒寰侊紝鍒嗘瀽鍜岄娴嬪畠浠殑鏃剁┖婕斿寲杩囩▼锛屽绌洪棿绉诲姩銆� 鎵╁紶銆佸姞瀵嗐�佹棆杞紝骞剁‘瀹氫笉鍚岀┖闂村垎甯冪殑鐩稿叧鍏崇郴銆傛枃涓帰璁ㄤ簡鍦扮悊绌洪棿鍒嗗竷鏁翠綋缁熻鐩墠瀛樺湪鐨勪富瑕佺瀛﹂棶棰橈紝 濡傜┖闂寸嫭绔嬫�у亣璁俱�佺┖闂撮殢鏈烘娊鏍枫�佹椂绌鸿繃绋嬪垎鏋�(鍖呮嫭鏃剁┖绋虫�侀殢鏈鸿繃绋�)銆佺┖闂寸粺璁℃弿杩版柟娉曞拰绌洪棿鍒嗗竷鍑芥暟绛夈��

鍏抽敭璇�: 鍦扮悊鑼冨洿, 绌洪棿鍒嗗竷, 绌洪棿鍒嗘瀽, 绌洪棿瀵嗛泦搴�, 绌洪棿缁熻


The past five decades have witnessed increasing interest in the statistical analysis of spatial distribution, whose local and global characteristics are major concerns among geographers, statisticians, and spatial analysts. The purpose of this paper is to present a review of the global statistics of spatial distribution, the methods that describe, estimate, and predict the overall characteristics of spatial distribution as an independent field of research. The global characteristics of a spatial distribution include its center (or centroid), range, intensity, orientation, and shape in 2- D space. About 20 spatial statistical indices are proposed and employed to identify those global characteristics and their changes (or spatiotemporal processes) for a variety of spatial distributions, socioeconomic or natural, and to examine the relationships between different spatial distributions. The fundamental issues of this field that are discussed include spatial independence assumption, spatial random sampling,spatiotemporal process, spatiotemporal stationary stochastic process, spatial descriptive statistics and spatial probabilistic functions.

Key words: geographical range, spatial analysis, spatial intensity, spatial statistics, statistics of spatial distribution