鍦扮悊绉戝杩涘睍 鈥衡�� 2001, Vol. 20 鈥衡�� Issue (1): 89-96.DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2001.01.012

鈥� 璁烘枃 鈥� 涓婁竴绡�    


椹崳鍗�, 榛勬潖鍏�, 钂茶嫳闇�   

  1. 鍗椾含澶у鍩庡競涓庤祫婧愬绯�,姹熻嫃鍗椾含210093
  • 鏀剁鏃ユ湡:2001-02-01 淇洖鏃ユ湡:2001-03-01 鍑虹増鏃ユ湡:2001-01-24 鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡:2001-01-24
  • 浣滆�呯畝浠�:椹崳鍗�(1972-),鐢�,灞变笢涓存矀浜�,鍗椾含澶у鍩庡競涓庤祫婧愬绯诲崥澹敓銆備富瑕佷粠浜嬪湴鐞嗕俊鎭郴缁熶笌閬ユ劅鐮旂┒,鍦ㄣ�婂湴鐞嗗鎶ャ�嬨�併�婃祴缁樺鎶ャ�嬬瓑瀛︽湳鍒婄墿涓婂彂琛ㄨ鏂�10浣欑瘒銆�

Development on the Integrating of “3S” in the Era of Digital Earth

MA Rong-hua, HUANG Xing-yuan, PU Ying-xia   

  1. Dept,of Urban &.Resources Science,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093
  • Received:2001-02-01 Revised:2001-03-01 Online:2001-01-24 Published:2001-01-24

鎽樿锛� 鏈枃鎸囧嚭浜嗘暟瀛楀湴鐞冩椂浠�“3S”涓庢暟瀛楀湴鐞冪殑鍏崇郴浠ュ強 GIS銆丟PS銆佸拰 RS鐨勬湰璐�,浠庡叾鏈川鍑哄彂鍒嗘瀽浜�“3S”涓や袱缁撳悎鐨勬柟寮忓拰鍏抽敭鎶�鏈�,骞舵寚鍑轰簡鐩墠鐨勫彂灞曠幇鐘躲�備袱涓ょ粨鍚堢殑缂洪櫡鍜屽急鐐瑰鑷翠簡“3S”鐨勫畬鍏ㄩ泦鎴�,“3S”闆嗘垚鏄綋浠婄┖闂寸瀛﹂鍩熺殑涓�涓爺绌跺墠娌�,鍏锋湁鐩稿綋鐨勯毦搴�,鐩墠鐞嗚鐮旂┒浠嶈惤鍚庝簬瀹為檯搴旂敤銆�“3S”鎶�鏈殑杩呯寷鍙戝睍,鏈�缁堝鑷翠簡鍦扮悆淇℃伅绉戝鐨勮癁鐢熴�傛暟瀛楀湴鐞冩帹鍔ㄤ簡“3S”鎶�鏈悜鐫�鏇存繁鏇村箍鐨勯鍩熷彂灞�,“3S”鎶�鏈垚涓烘暟瀛楀湴鐞冪殑鏍稿績鎶�鏈拰鍩虹鎶�鏈箣涓�銆�

鍏抽敭璇�: “3S”, 鍦扮悆淇℃伅绉戝, 鏁板瓧鍦扮悆

Abstract: The relationship between“3S”and digital earth as well as the essence of GIS,GPS and RS is discussed.Then we analyze the integrating between each of “3S” and the their key technique based on their essence respectively.What’s more,the actual situation of development is also analyzed.The defect of the integrating between each other results in the full integrating of “3S”.And the full integrating is one of the front of study on the area of spatial science.As a result,it is very difficult to the study.At the present,the study on the theory is dropped behind the practice.After our analyzing by their development at present and the key technique of integration of GIS,GPS and RS,the conclusions are drawn:(1)the integrating of “3S”is the essential result of development of GIS GPS and RS,and the most extensive application and the most perfect technique is the integrating of GIS and RS.(2) the rapid development of “3S” makes the content of earth system science extend and results in the birth of Geo informatics.(3) the birth of digital earth benefits from the rapid development of “3S”and the its extensive and successful application.“3S”technique is one of the basic and kernel technique of digital earth.Certainly,the birth of digital earth also pushes the development of “3S”more deeply and more extensively.The technique of “3S”is one of the key techinques of Digital Earth.And they are complemented each other.As a result,they must develop commonly.

Key words: “3S”, Digital Earth, Geo information Science
