鍦扮悊鐮旂┒ 鈥衡�� 2012, Vol. 31 鈥衡�� Issue (10): 1793-1805.DOI: 10.11821/yj2012100006

鈥� 鍦拌〃杩囩▼鐮旂┒ 鈥� 涓婁竴绡�    涓嬩竴绡�


鏄撴箻鐢�1,2, 鏉庡浗鑳�1, 灏硅闆�1, 褰櫙娑�3   

  1. 1. 涓浗绉戝闄㈠湴鐞嗙瀛︿笌璧勬簮鐮旂┒鎵�, 鍖椾含100101;
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    3. 瑗垮崡澶у鍦扮悊绉戝瀛﹂櫌, 閲嶅簡400715
  • 鏀剁鏃ユ湡:2011-12-10 淇洖鏃ユ湡:2012-05-23 鍑虹増鏃ユ湡:2012-10-10 鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡:2012-10-10
  • 閫氳浣滆��: 鏉庡浗鑳�(1963-),鐢�,姹熻嫃甯稿窞浜�,鐮旂┒鍛�,鍗氬+鐢熷甯�,涓昏浠庝簨閬ユ劅涓嶨IS妯℃嫙鐮旂┒銆侲-mail:ligs@igsnrr.ac.cn
  • 浣滆�呯畝浠�:鏄撴箻鐢�(1981-),鐢�,婀栧崡闀挎矙浜�,鍗氬+,涓昏浠庝簨鍦扮粺璁′笌鍦熷¥鐗╃悊鏂归潰鐮旂┒銆侲-mail:yixiangsheng2004@163.com
  • 鍩洪噾璧勫姪:


Comparison on soil depth prediction among different spatial interpolation methods: A case study in the Three-River Headwaters Region of Qinghai Province

Yi Xiang-sheng1,2, Li Guo-sheng1, Yin Yan-yu1, Peng Jing-tao3   

  1. 1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
    2. Agriculture Resource Monitoring Station, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Engineering, Beijing 100125, China;
    3. School of Geographical sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
  • Received:2011-12-10 Revised:2012-05-23 Online:2012-10-10 Published:2012-10-10

鎽樿锛� 鍒╃敤闈掓捣涓夋睙婧愬湴鍖�533涓湡澹ゅ墫闈腑鐨勫帤搴︽暟鎹�, 鍦℅IS鎶�鏈殑鏀寔涓�, 閲囩敤纭畾鎬у唴鎻�(鍙嶈窛绂诲姞鏉冦�佸叏灞�澶氶」寮忋�佸眬閮ㄥ椤瑰紡鍜屽緞鍚戝熀鍑芥暟)鍜屽湴缁熻鍐呮彃(鏅�氬厠閲屾牸銆佺畝鍗曞厠閲屾牸銆佹硾鍏嬮噷鏍煎拰鍗忓悓鍏嬮噷鏍�)涓ょ被鍏卞叓绉嶆彃鍊兼柟娉曞鐮旂┒鍖哄湡澹ゅ帤搴︾殑绌洪棿鍒嗗竷杩涜浜嗛娴�, 骞剁患鍚堟瘮杈冧簡鍚勭鎻掑�兼柟娉曠殑棰勬祴璇樊銆佺粺璁$壒寰佸�煎拰鎻掑�肩粨鏋滃垎甯冨浘銆傜粨鏋滆〃鏄�:(1)鍦ㄥ湴缁熻鍐呮彃鏂规硶涓�, 鏅�氬厠閲屾牸鏂规硶(涓�闃�)鎻掑�兼晥鏋滄瘮鏅�氬厠閲屾牸鏂规硶(浜岄樁)瑕佸ソ;鍦ㄦ櫘閫氬厠閲屾牸鏂规硶(涓�闃�)鐨勫崐鏂瑰樊鍑芥暟妯″瀷涓�, 鐞冪姸妯″瀷鐨勬彃鍊兼晥鏋滀紭浜庢寚鏁版ā鍨嬪拰楂樻柉妯″瀷;鏅�氬厠閲屾牸鏂规硶鍦ㄥ洓绉嶅湴缁熻鍐呮彃鏂规硶涓娴嬭宸渶灏忋�侀娴嬬粨鏋滃噯纭�ф渶濂姐��(2)纭畾鎬у唴鎻掓柟娉曚腑, 鍙嶈窛绂诲姞鏉�(鎸囨暟涓�1)娉曠殑璇樊杈冨皬, 骞朵笖瀵瑰尯鍩熶笌灞�閮ㄨ秼鍔跨殑鍙嶆槧鏁堟灉鏈�濂姐��(3)浠庨娴嬭宸ぇ灏忓拰瀵瑰尯鍩熸�讳綋鍙婂眬閮ㄨ秼鍔跨殑缁煎悎鍙嶆槧鏁堟灉鏉ョ湅, 鏈夊紓鍚戞�х殑鐞冪姸妯″瀷鏅�氬厠閲屾牸(涓�闃�)鎻掑�兼柟娉曢娴嬬粨鏋滄渶鑳藉噯纭弽鏄犻潚娴蜂笁姹熸簮鍦板尯鍦熷¥鍘氬害鐨勭┖闂村垎甯冦��

鍏抽敭璇�: 鍦熷眰鍘氬害, 绌洪棿鍒嗗竷, 绌洪棿鎻掑��, 涓夋睙婧愬湴鍖�

Abstract: Based on the soil depth data from 533 soil profiles in the Three-River Headwaters Region of Qinghai Province, with the help of GIS technology, this paper attempted to predict the spatial distribution of soil depth by using deterministic interpolation methods(Inverse Distance Weighted, Global Polynomial Interpolation, Local Polynomial Interpolation and Radial Basis Function)and geostatistics interpolation methods(Oridnary Kriging, Simple Kriging, Universal Kriging and Co-Kriging).Then it compared the prediction errors, statistical characteristics and interpolation results of different interpolation methods. Some important conclusions were obtained from this research, which mainly contained three aspects as follows.(1)The spatial distribution of soil depth using the first order surface trend of Ordinary Kriging was better than that using the second order surface trend.The spherical model in the Ordinary Kriging(first order)was better than the exponential model and Gaussian model.The Ordinary Kriging was the best of the four geostatistics interpolation methods because of its minimum error and accurately predicted result. (2)The Inverse Distance Weighted(exponent 1)method was the best in deterministic interpolation methods from the prediction errors and comprehensive reflection in general and local trends.(3)In comparison of the prediction errors and spatial distribution in general and local trends, the Ordinary Kriging(first order)of spherical method, which had anisotropy, could be best to reflect the spatial distribution of soil depth in the Three-River Headwaters Region of Qinghai Province.

Key words: soil depth, spatial distribution, spatial interpolation, Three-River Headwaters Region