鍦扮悊鐮旂┒ 鈥衡�� 2012, Vol. 31 鈥衡�� Issue (10): 1749-1763.DOI: 10.11821/yj2012100002

鈥� 鐞嗚涓庢柟娉� 鈥� 涓婁竴绡�    涓嬩竴绡�


瀛欎繆1,2, 娼樼帀鍚�1, 鍜岀憺鑺�1, 鍒樻捣鐞�1, 甯告闈�3, 鍒樻爲鑺�1,4, 鏉庝細浠�1   

  1. 1. 浜戝崡甯堣寖澶у鏃呮父涓庡湴鐞嗙瀛﹀闄�, 鏄嗘槑650500;
    2. 浜戝崡甯堣寖澶у绀句細鍙戝睍瀛﹂櫌, 鏄嗘槑650500;
    3. 浜戝崡甯堣寖澶у鏁欒偛绉戝涓庣鐞嗗闄�, 鏄嗘槑650500;
    4. 淇濆北瀛﹂櫌, 浜戝崡淇濆北678000
  • 鏀剁鏃ユ湡:2011-10-09 淇洖鏃ユ湡:2012-04-04 鍑虹増鏃ユ湡:2012-10-10 鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡:2012-10-10
  • 閫氳浣滆��: 娼樼帀鍚�(1965-),鐢�,榛戦緳姹熼綈榻愬搱灏斾汉,鏁欐巿,鍗氬+鐢熷甯�,鐮旂┒鏂瑰悜涓哄尯鍩熷彂灞曘�佸湴鐞嗗鎬濇兂涓庢柟娉曘�佷汉鏂囧湴鐞嗙瓑銆侲-mail:p17406@vip.km169.net
  • 浣滆�呯畝浠�:瀛欎繆(1985-),鐢�,浜戝崡娉歌タ浜�,纭曞+,鐮旂┒鏂瑰悜涓哄湴鐞嗗鎬濇兂涓庢柟娉�,浜烘枃鍦扮悊绛夈�侲-mail:TSWwiththinkwithgp@126.com
  • 鍩洪噾璧勫姪:


The enlightenment of geographical theories construction from the First Law of Geography and its debate

Sun Jun1,2, Pan Yu-jun1, He Rui-fang1, Liu Hai-qin1, Chang-Nanjing3, Liu Shu-fen1,4, Li Hui-xian1   

  1. 1. College of Tourism and Geographical Sciences, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China;
    2. College of Social Development, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China;
    3. College of Education and Management, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China;
    4. Baoshan College, Baoshan 678000, Yunnan, China
  • Received:2011-10-09 Revised:2012-04-04 Online:2012-10-10 Published:2012-10-10

鎽樿锛� 鍦扮悊瀛︾悊璁哄挨鍏舵槸瀹氬緥鐨勪簤璁�, 瀹炶川涓婂弽鏄犵潃涓嶅悓鏃朵唬鑳屾櫙涓嬪湴鐞嗗璁よ瘑鐨勫彂灞�, TFL(Tobler's First Law of Geography)涔嬩簤灏辨槸涓�涓吀鍨嬫渚嬨�傚湪杩欏満浜夎涓�, 鍦扮悊瀛︾悊璁虹殑寤鸿瓒呭嚭浜嗕紶缁熺殑浠ョ瀛﹀摬瀛︿负鍩虹鐨勭悊璁烘�濊��, 鍑虹幇浜嗙瀛︾ぞ浼氬瀵瑰湴鐞嗗鐞嗚鐨勫弽鎬濊繖涓�鏂扮殑瑙嗚銆備互TFL鐨勫悎鐞嗘�т负鍩虹, 鍦扮悊瀛﹀璁鸿瘉浜員FL鍦ㄥ寑璐ㄧ┖闂村拰闈炲寑璐ㄧ┖闂翠腑鐨勫悎鐞嗘��, 骞跺己鍖栦簡鍦扮悊瀛︾殑鏃堕棿鍜岀┖闂寸淮搴︺�傚湪璁鸿瘉杩囩▼涓�, 鏃╂湡鐨勪緥澶栬涔嬩簤銆佽閲忛潻鍛藉拰鐞嗚闈╁懡閮借鎻愬強, 鑰屽叾鍏宠仈鐨勫熀纭�涔嬩竴鏄疓IS鍜孏ISscience鐨勫彂灞曞強鍏跺鐜颁唬绌洪棿鐨勮〃杩板拰瑙h銆傝�屼笖, TFL涔嬩簤浠�“閭昏繎”涓烘牳蹇�, 鍦ㄧ悊璁轰笂涓庣爺绌剁淮搴︺�佸昂搴﹀強鍏惰浆鎹㈠拰鏃堕棿鍦扮悊瀛︾粨鍚堣捣鏉�, 鏋勫缓浜嗕互“閭昏繎”涓烘牳蹇冪殑“缁村害-灏哄害-鍦板煙”鍏崇郴浣撶郴銆�

鍏抽敭璇�: 鍦扮悊瀛�, 鐞嗚寤鸿, 鍦扮悊瀛︾涓�瀹氬緥

Abstract: Debates about geographical theories reflected the different backgrounds in geographical practice, and they explained, demonstrated, and contributed to the development of geographical theories.The debate about Tobler's First Law of Geography(TFL hereafter) is a typical case.According to Waldo Tobler, everything is related to something else, but close things are more related to each other than distant things.However, along with the development of GIS and GISscience since the 1960s, whether TFL was still right, especially as the First Law of Geography, was one main subject under discussion in the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers in 2003.In this meeting, some geographers demonstrated the rationality of TFL in homogeneity space, strengthened the time dimension, and the transformation of dimensions of space and scale in time and space. Some geographers also demonstrated the rationality of TFL in heterogeneity space.At the same time, there were other debates such as criticism on exceptionalism, quantitative revolution and theoretical revolution, which emerged in the background of the development of GIS and GISscience.On the other hand, these debates were useful to construct geographical theories from new perspectives that showed concern on dimension, scale and time geography. What's more, there emerged a new scientific view about geographical theories construction, i.e.the view of sociology of science, which is different from the conventional philosophy of science.With these two interweaving perspectives, the views about the construction of geographical theories became more complex.This paper is not only a comment or an introduction to TFL, but the dialogues between those who follow closely to this question, including scholars and authors, which are also emphasized in order to make the debate go further.The purpose of this paper is to reveal the TFL debate and the relationship among this debate and the previous debates on geographical theories, with the current focus on the reconstruction of geographical theories.On the basis of the above, with“proximity” as the core, this paper constructs the relationship among dimension, scale and scale transformation, time geography, namely the relationship system of“dimension- scale-areas”.

Key words: geography, geographical theories construction, debate of TFL, enlightenment